Saturday, November 22, 2008

84 - Okto & AFA'08

Looks like last week was an exception as this week's translation and video quality are decent again. Though, I still think the opening's a little fast forwarded.

Today's the first day of the 2 day Anime Festival Asia 2008. Having attended it, I'm going to talk about what I did today. Missing the pre-registration by a day or a few hours (I tried to register on the evening of the last day and somehow it said that the registration was closed...), I had to take a line that opened later than that for those who pre-registered. So, I went in a bit later than those who pre-registered (about 1/2 hour).

Going in, I went around looking at all the stalls set up as unlike SOME people, I didn't eye anything in there beforehand. So I went around looking at everything. Immediately upon entering, is a gundam stall. It sold gundam model kits, from the latest 00 to even the Three Kingdom gundams. To the left, was a big display of gundam models. There were some pretty cool models there and I think I took a few pictures of them, but my handphone ran outta battery earlier today and is charging right now, once it finish recharging, I'll check and post any and every picture I took today.

Pass that, were some stalls about Animax and some other stuff that I don't exactly remember. Next was a figurine display section. It took up a decent amount of space and it had some interesting figurines up on display.

Near there was a booth set up by Chuang Yi (any Singaporean who don't know them, seriously, get a life). I saw 2 series that interested me. I was following one while the other was one that I had interest in for a while now. The one I was following I had the latest 2 volumes but not the first 3, so that bundle was exactly right for me. ^_^
Though admittedly, I hesitated n buying them (they totally $20 for the 6. Yes, a bargain I know but I still hesitated...). I got them later though, so no disappointment there. ^_^

Then there were figurine selling stalls. I don't exactly know what the shop's were (those interested in knowing can probably ask hy, he'll probably know) but they had some stock of figurines there. Some were bargains while some were at normal prices. I took an interest in one of the figurines on sale there and hesitated only a bit before shelling out $50 ($49 but hey what's the difference?) for it before it disappeared. After that, I continued to check out the place.

There was this small stall in the middle of the place that sold anime posters and a few other collectables. I wanted to check out the stuff there but there was a frigging loooonnnnggggg line there... >_<

Not wanting to line up that long to just see the stall, I moved on. There weren't much left after that. Another anime advertisement booth which advertised some animes (Toradora, Skip Beat and Casshern Sins and Shakugan no Shana to name a few). Surprisingly, there was a doujinshi booth too near there! They had some pretty nice Nanoha doujins there. I didn't get them though as I didn't want to blow so much money.. Regrets around, but I think I would have regretted it more if I blew my savings on them.

There was a stage there, but I didn't pay much attention to it though. I was concentrating more on the arcade there. *eye sparkles*

There, was *drum roll* Melty Blood Actress Again. *loud clapping* Yayyy!! In total, I played it trice losing in all 3, but I put up a good fight too as in all of them, I won 2 out of the 3 rounds before losing.

Around 3, I was feeling tired and went home, ending my trip there.

Yes, my handphone camera sucks and rotating the picture didn't exactly help either...

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Interesting videos one and two

Friday, November 14, 2008

82 - Zzz...

Patiently each week, I eagerly await ToraDora. However, tonight's episode is really really disappointing. The frigging show was flickering every 2s or so!!! And I think the opening song was fast-forwarded by a bit... The translation for this week's episode also seem a little off. For the past 5 episodes, the translations of ToraDora were decent. Compared to the one I follow on the net (Aero subs), it faired pretty well in my opinion. However, this most recent episode's a disappointment... It's like rushed or something... This anime isn't even same week telecasted. In fact, this episode was aired in Japan last Wednesday, so not having enough time to translate properly shouldn't be an excuse.
Really, they should be careful about their shows, stuff like this could damage their reputation...

Sunday, November 09, 2008

81 - 007

Quantum of Solace.

Having not watched the previous James Bond movies, I'm kinda lost on the story. The action's good though. Reminds me of Mirror's Edge though, the way he jumps from balcony to balcony and such. Pretty cool movie overall, though kinda not worth if one did not watch the previous installment(s?).

Extra: Zzz... Just got my ass handed to me in >7/8 of the MBAC matches today............. ,>_<,

Extra2: o.o ToraDora! has a game on the PSP that has a release date that's to be announced?!?! Damn, hope the NDS will have one too.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

80 - MBAA と SFIV

Today, I went down to Douby Ghaut (crap, how do you spell it... =.=) and there, were 2 games I was looking forward to playing. Melty Blood Actress Again(MBAA) and Street Fighter IV(SF4). MBAA was in the ZoneX while SF4 was in Star Factory. MBAA costed me 40cents as I'm a have a VIP tapz card. SF4 was $1 per play though (expensive... T_T). MBAA's pretty much the same as MBAC(Act Cadenza), though I couldn't pull off a combo I normally could do... Anyway, MBAA's pretty free there as few people even go there in the first place, so playing it's not a problem. SF4 in Star Factory's MIGHT be a little different though. When I was there today, there was another person there playing it. He was using Akuma, a somewhat secret character there (something like choosing Akuma in X-Men vs Street Fighter, an open secret). So anyway, I challenged him, using Ryu, and beat him twice before having my ass handed to me in his third try... XD Nice match though :)